Page 114 - Alfa International 2023 Catalog
P. 114


                                                                    Vp330 - Designed to meet the high capacity
              Vp325 -  For vacuum-sealing delicate or sensitive     needs of commercial and industrial operations
              products, the VP325 is equipped with a gas flush      the VP330 has three seal bars, two 12.5” bars
              system that is designed to remove oxygen and          on either side of the chamber and one 27” bar
              substitute a mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen    along the front.
              in the sealed package.

                                                          1 Year

             Vp540 - This machine is ideal for heavy commercial
             users: medium to large processors, restaurants,       Vp545 - This machine will give you a depend-
             supermarkets, HRI, labs and sous vide cooking.        able seal and vacuum every time. This machine
             This unit will give you the consistency your food     is the solution for medium/large processors,
             packaging is looking for.                             restaurants, supermarkets, HRI, labs, sous vide
                                                                   and more.

                                     # seAl
                                     BArs &          VAcuuM                         ship       MAchine
            AlfA #  chAMBer siZe     length          puMp      electric specs       Weight     DiMensions
            VP325*   17.25”x16.5”x7”   (2) 16”       1.5 HP    110V-60Hz/13A-1300W   297lbs    20.7”x19.7”x40”
            VP330   33.25”x19.5”x7”   (2) 12.5” (1) 27”   1.5 HP  110V/60Hz, 20Amps   210lbs   26.5”x43.5”x24.7”
            VP540   21.25”x20.75”x7”  (2) 20”        1.5 HP    110V-60Hz/13A-1300W   350lbs    25” x 24" x 41"
            VP545*   21.25”x20.75”x7”  (2) 20”       1.5 HP    110V-60Hz/13A-1300W   350lbs    25” x 24" x 41"

               *The VP325 and VP545 models are equipped with a *gas flush* gas-replacement system. Gas flush is a packaging
               technique that involves the addition of inert gas (Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Oxygen,etc) when vacuum sealing
               to increase the product's shelf life, offer extra protection to delicate foods (i.e. potato chips), and prevent food
               discoloration (ground beef).
               These Vacuum Sealer Models all ship by TRUCK.
         108   ALFA International Catalog 2019 / 2020 • Ph 914.273.2222 / 800.327.ALFA (2532)  •
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