
Ultravac® 600 NSF Single Chamber Vacuum Seal Machine

Original price was: $24,890.00.


Product Description

The Ultravac 600 vac packer offers triple the packaging production of common tabletop vacuum packaging machines. With two 20” seal bars on both sides, and one 24.5” on the front side of the chamber you get 64.5” of usable sealing bar length. The Ultravac 600 vacuum packaging machine can increase efficiency, extend product shelf life, and improve your package seal quality! All UltraSource vacuum chamber machines are HACCP compliant as long as vacuum packaging, also known as Reduced Oxygen Packaging (ROP) is identified as a critical control point in your HACCP plan and the plan documents the controls for Clostridium botulinum and Listeria monocytogenes.


Ultravac® is manufactured by UltraSource,a leading packaging supplier to the meat processing industry worldwide. Founded in 1883, Ultrasource is based in Kansas City, MO.

Additional information

Weight 450 lbs
Dimensions 33 × 29 × 55 in